Decisive Comments by MEGG
Are humans not already responsible for their actions? But, perhaps it is true that our society cradles certain people protectively and disregards others...but is that also not the product of one's choices and responsibilities in the first place? Can success equal hierarchy through merit? Maybe this is what youre saying though...that whatever happens to a person is his or her choice, so no one deserves "special treatment..." a little laissez-faire or social darwinism for you. Is that what this means? Or maybe this philosophy is more abstract than the society we have created for how does it play into democracy? To refer to your second point I believe it should be does a king or queen become a king or queen? Is power not synomous with power of the people, these so-called "pawns?" Could this be the process by which some of us become kings and queens? And what is your stance on "playing to win?" Who wins in this society - the rich, the intelligent, the powerful, the beautiful, etc.?
~this ultimately led to a coversation that involved a few "holy shits" and a few "thats not answerable". Ending with the best argument of all . . . . ."its not in the answering that we succeed, but in the thinking about it"-----Megg
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